Wednesday, September 26, 2012

my introduction

I've been stuck on this for a while. The introduction I mean.
I'm Samuel Plahetka. Many of you reading have no idea who I am. I wrote Coffee a long time ago. And before I forget I really don't mind if Coffee shows up on your website for free download, as long as it remains intact. As for the people selling my ebook on Amazon for 2.99 how dumb. It's available everywhere for free, especially where I publish at Drivethrufantasy under the pubisher Blue Ankh Publishing. BTW it's currently being sold by mutiple people on amazon as Coffee Jokes. And if a lawyer reading this wants to help me out with this situtation for a cut of whatever is awarded get in touch.
Seriously I don't currently sell on Amazon, and especially wouldn't sell Coffee there. I have a book of poetry almost ready that I plan to release as an android app, and I am currently writing a novel that the free part at least I plan to release on android and Amazon.
And so much more. I'll post details about various things I'm working on as they come up. And I'll post other strange and not so strange things as it develops.
um, ask questions.

Samuel Plahetka